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EmailAI (ToMate) Privacy Policy 

With this privacy policy, we would like to inform you about how we process personal data. The protection of your privacy is of utmost importance to us, so it goes without saying that we comply with the legal stipulations on data protection.


1. Name and contact details of the person responsible

Trend Sights SL

Al. Recalde 34-1º Izq. 48009, Bilbao (Bizkaia).


2. Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about our data protection measures, the processing of your data or the protection of your rights as a data subject, you can contact us and our data protection officer as follows:


Write an email to


3. Personal data

Personal data is all information about identified or identifiable individuals. This includes the following categories of personal data that we process:


  • Your contact details (such as first and last name, address, e-mail address, telephone number);

  • Your correspondence with us;

  • The content of the emails used to generate the content.


4. Use of Cookies

A cookie is a text file containing an identification number which, when the website is used, is transmitted to the user's computer together with the other data actually requested and stored there. The file is kept there for later access and serves to authenticate the user. Since cookies are simply files and not executable programs, they do not pose any danger to the computer.

In this case, the extension only uses one cookie to keep the session active.


5. Purpose of processing

We collect and collate information that you provide directly to us or that we learn about you while you are using our Services. If you can be identified from this information, and it relates to you, then it will be your Personal Data.

Depending on the services used, Human Trends may process data for the following purposes:


  • provide the Services, including technical support;

  • provide access to this extension

  • identification and authentication;


6. Legal Basis

We base the processing of your data on the following legal bases:

  • Your consent, if you have given us such consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR);

  • The initiation or performance of a contract with you (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR);

  • Compliance with legal obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c) GDPR);

  • The implementation of our legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR).


We base our processing activities on our legitimate interest in providing services that are technically functional and easy to use, or as part of the contract for the provision of the Human Trends Services. In certain cases, we may process your data to comply with legal or contractual obligations.

  • In processing your data, we pursue the following legitimate interests

  • The improvement of our services;

  • The protection of our Services and products against misuse;

  • The production of statistics.


7. Obligation to provide data

Unless expressly stated, it is neither necessary nor obligatory to provide your details.


8. Storage period

We store your data,

  • if you have consented to the processing, at the latest until you revoke your consent;

  • if we need the data for the performance of a contract, at the latest for as long as the contractual relationship with you exists;

  • if we use the data on the basis of a legitimate interest, at most as long as your interest in erasure or anonymization does not override the data;

  • insofar as legal storage obligations exist, until the end of the storage periods.

In the event of termination of consent, the data will be deleted immediately. In the event of prolonged inactivity for 1 year, the collected data will also be deleted.


9. Receivers and data sources

Affiliated entities

We may share your data with any member of our corporate group (our subsidiaries, parent companies and affiliates).

  • CRM system service provider;

  • cloud services;


Non-affiliated entities

In processing your data, we cooperate with the following service providers who have access to your data:

  • hosting and web development providers


10. Transfer to third countries

We do not transfer personal information to countries outside the European Union as the system deletes any personal data in emails before any interaction with services in third countries, in particular the United States.



As a data subject, you have the following rights:

  • Request information about the processing of your data, as well as receive a copy of your personal data. Among other things, you can request information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients of the data (if a transfer takes place), the duration of storage or the criteria for determining the duration;

  • To receive the personal data concerning him/her in a structured, common and machine-readable format or to transfer it to another controller;

  • Rectify your data. If your personal data is incomplete, you have the right to complete it, taking into account the purposes of the processing;

  • To have their data deleted or blocked;

  • To treatment being restricted;

  • To object to the processing of their data;

  • revoke your consent to the processing of your data in the future; and

  • Complain to the responsible supervisory authority about unauthorized data processing.


In order to facilitate their exercise, we provide links to the application form for each of the rights:

  • Form for exercising the right of access

  • Form for exercising the right of rectification

  • Form for exercising the right to object

  • Form for exercising the right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")

  • Form for exercising the right to restriction of processing

  • Exercise of the right to portability form

  • Form for exercising the right not to be subject to automated individual decisions 


Version of the Privacy Policy

If our processes change, we adjust the information in this privacy policy.

Status of this privacy policy: 20 April 2023.

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